Muted Grace Rose Bouquet
Grace personified in a rose bouquet: Muted Grace Rose Bouquet features beautiful muted tone roses and flowers. This arrangement makes for a great gift for your partner or loved ones. You can also add champagne, wine or chocolates and other gourmet delights to make the basket even better.
Grace personified in a rose bouquet: Toronto Bloom's Muted Grace Rose Bouquet features beautiful muted tone roses and flowers. This arrangement makes for a great gift for your partner or loved ones. You can also add champagne, wine or chocolates and other gourmet delights to make the basket even better.
This is what is included in this gift:
This bouquet featuring shades of blue and white includes a selection of irises, roses, salal, baby's breath, and eucalyptus gathered in a floral wrap and tied with designer ribbon. If you wish, you can add any wine, champagne, beer, liquor or gourmet gifts from our list of add-ons.
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